Thursday, January 13, 2011

Loose Women: Meet the ladies from ITV's lunchtime chat show

By Jane Gordon

Last updated at 3:36 AM on 9th January 2011

Not forgetting ‘gobby’ and gregarious. These characteristics – all in glorious abundance in today’s panel of Loose Women regulars – are what makes ITV’s lunchtime chat show still hugely popular after more than a decade. So are they as forthright off camera? Jane Gordon tries (and fails) to get a word in edgeways

Loose Women

The lunch bunch, from left: Lisa Maxwell, Lynda Bellingham, Carol McGiffin and Kate Thornton

Carol McGiffin is trying to identify the single most important characteristic common to all successful Loose Women. In the 11 years the former TV producer (and ex-wife of Chris Evans) has been a panellist on the programme that is now a national lunchtime institution, she has seen a lot of them come and go.

‘I think for me the most important thing is to be true to myself. I always say what I think. I don’t care about appealing to everyone, or saying something safe for fear of offending someone in the audience. It’s the women who are a bit scared of saying what they think that don’t last. So I’d say the vital ingredient is honesty,’ says 50-year-old Carol, as she sits down with three of her colleagues to give YOU a unique insight into the making of the award-winning ITV daytime television show.

Such is the programme’s success and frenetic pace – on air five days a week, every week, apart from short breaks at Christmas and in summer – that it’s taken us two years to find a date when four of the nine regular panellists could be in the same place at the same time. Along with Carol we have assembled Kate Thornton, 37, Lisa Maxwell, 46, and Lynda Bellingham, 61, for a joint interview that is as opinionated and occasionally shocking as you might expect from four Loose Women (or, as they prefer to refer to each other, ‘Loose Ladies’).

We meet half an hour after the four have come off air, still wearing the clothes that they wore on today’s programme. Running on the adrenalin of live TV, they are as ‘gobby’ (as Lisa puts it) off air as they are on, and, having been at the London Television Studios since 8.30am (it’s now gone 2pm), they are hungry and may be in danger of becoming a little fractious.

Falling on the sandwiches we have provided – with a heartening enthusiasm that confirms eating disorders are not a subject for discussion today (weight is one issue the programme tends to avoid, as several of the panellists are ‘sensitive about their body mass index’) – they all have a slightly different take on Carol’s assertion that it is honesty that makes the show work.

Loose Women

Strictly winner Kara Tointon, centre, is led a merry dance by, from left, Kate, Lisa, Carol and Lynda

‘It’s not just that. It’s the way we talk to each other, which reflects the kind of conversations all women have. Sometimes we are provocative, sometimes we are funny and sometimes we are moving. We aren’t just honest, we are real,’ says Lisa between mouthfuls.

‘It doesn’t pretend to be something it isn’t,’ interjects Kate. ‘It turns a mirror on what’s been happening in kitchens, offices  and at the school gates for ever.’ At the 8.30am meeting the production team sits down with the four Loose Women of the day to decide what subjects – usually linked to the news – will be discussed. The meeting, according to executive producer Sharon Powers, is like an X-rated version of the show, with the women free to express themselves with expletive-littered openness.

‘We have to trust each other,’ says Carol. ‘There have been a couple of occasions where people – I won’t name names, but the two people aren’t here – have revealed things on the show that they know full well were only for the back room.’

The subjects that arouse the most varied and passionate opinions are the ones that will make it through to the programme. The show may sometimes look like a clash of egos, but Lynda insists that they wouldn’t have the freedom for open discussion if they didn’t like each other. Press reports suggesting that they all hate each other infuriate them.

‘Of course we clash on air, but it’s all forgotten and forgiven afterwards,’ says Kate, looking across at Carol.

‘Kate and I often oppose each other on the subject of children,’ agrees Carol. ‘People think, “Oh my God, they don’t like each other.” I said recently that I wouldn’t want children at my wedding [she is engaged to 27-year-old Mark Cassidy, account manager on the programme], and she spat back, “I can’t believe you’ve just said that,” and then I said, “Well all you ever talk about is your boy.”’

‘It’s true, I do. He’s my life,’ Kate replies with a self-deprecating smile.

‘But we know how far we can go with each other,’ Lynda says. ‘There are areas of each other’s lives that we would never pick up on if we know they are sensitive.’

‘I think we are what you would call professional friends,’ explains Carol. ‘We all have busy lives, and although we might have lunch or go to the pub after a show, it doesn’t go beyond that. We don’t tend to go round to each other’s houses – well, I don’t. They might, but they don’t invite me!’ 

Carol McGiffin

'You can't be on Loose Women if you've got something to hide,' says Carol

Lisa Maxwell

'I talk about my daughter all the time but I don't want her to watch the show' says Lisa

All the women agree that the show wouldn’t work unless they were prepared to share their personal experiences. Husbands, boyfriends and children have to accept that they will, from time to time, be exposed to public humiliation

Lisa, one of the newest ‘ladies’, having joined the show in 2009 shortly after she gave up her long-running role as DI Samantha Nixon in The Bill, doesn’t allow her 11-year-old daughter Beau to watch, and has come to an arrangement with her partner, sculptor Paul Jessup. ‘We had a conversation prior to my joining, in which he said, “Does it mean you’ve got to talk about my bad personal habits?” I told him I didn’t think that was necessary, but he said he thought I would be freer if he just didn’t watch. So he doesn’t. But I would never exaggerate at Paul’s expense because I adore him. I talk about Beau all the time, but I wouldn’t want her to see it, any more than I would have wanted her to see me in The Bill. We are on air at lunchtime but it’s an adult conversation.’

Carol is proud that she is the only member of the panel never to have cried on air (the closest she got was shortly after her mother died and she is, she says, ‘the hard-nosed bitch’ of the show). But she admits that she is guilty of sharing intimate details of her life. She announced her engagement to Mark on air, has talked about her relationship with the ‘Ginger Tsunami’ Chris Evans, and regularly brings the conversation round to flatulence.

‘No one talks about their personal lives so much that there is nothing left, but you have got to open up. If we are covering a subject, as we did recently, such as, “Does size matter?”, I would always check with Mark in advance. He usually doesn’t mind – he never says no,’ she adds with a grin.

Loose Women may be a 2010 National Television Awards winner, have 1.5 million viewers, a cult following among students and spin-off books and DVDs including, most recently, Loose Women on Men, and Loose Women in New York – Let Loose in the City, but critics accuse it of being lowbrow and raucously feminist, often in a sneering and patronising way.

‘That is such a lazy and sexist accusation,’ says Lynda. ‘It’s not a show about women who hate men. I think we all love men – I have two young men for sons and I think men need a bit of support,’ she adds with evident passion.

Lynda Bellingham

'It's not a show about women who hate men. We all love men,' says Lynda

Kate Thornton

'Of course we clash on air, but it's all forgotten and forgiven afterwards,' says Kate

Indeed television industry commentators dismiss the programme at their peril, not just because it has a huge influence on its fiercely loyal viewers but also because, in truth, it has been quietly revolutionary. 

‘We are the only show on television where women are allowed to have an opinion without having a man anchoring us or controlling what we say,’ says Carol. ‘It’s the only programme on television that gives women of all different shapes, backgrounds and ages a voice,’ adds Kate.

Sharon Powers is proud, too, of the fact that the programme defies the television industry’s fondness for increasingly youthful presenters. While the BBC has been declared ‘institutionally ageist’ in its policy towards women – most recently in the tribunal involving 51-year-old Miriam O’Reilly being dropped as a presenter of Countryfile – ITV can actually boast being ageist at the other end of the scale. Kate is the baby of the programme at 37, while the other regulars range from 40 to 61, with guest appearances from Arlene Phillips and Cilla Black who are both 67.

‘I don’t think a 20-year-old with no life experience would sit comfortably on the panel,’ says Sharon. The perfect Loose Woman has to have life experience, she has to be opinionated, honest, funny and intelligent.’ 

Moreover, taking part in an hour-long live discussion programme is a great deal more difficult than the women make it look.  In between the double entendres and de rigueur flirting with the male guests, they have to be well-informed, witty, entertaining and able to interview a range of celebrities, from Robbie Williams to Michael Parkinson (Carol says she only gets nervous with ‘intellectuals’). Occasionally things do go wrong – Joan Rivers was asked to leave mid programme after swearing on air and recently Russell Brand got lost between the green room and the studio.

Kate describes the process of anchoring the programme as being like performing ‘a live dance every day’, with the various panellists making each show different. Lynda and Lisa admit that they both suffer from pre-show nerves. Just before they take their preordained places (anchor Kate is seat one, Lisa seat two, Carol three and Lynda four) Lisa
has to go to the loo and have a banana – ‘in no particular order,’ she says. ‘Carol isn’t nervous,’ she adds, ‘but she suffers from the cold. She sits wrapped up in a duvet until we go on air.’

Do they ever worry that they will run out of things to say? ‘Never,’ they all respond simultaneously.

All four agree that the worst things about being part of Loose Women are press criticism and paparazzi. And the best thing? ‘Who wouldn’t want to get together with a great group of women to chat, gossip and laugh and hang out with Robbie Williams, Enrique and Jonathan Ross!’ says Kate. ‘It’s just...’ Her heartfelt comment is finished by Carol. ‘Brilliant. It was never my ambition to be on telly, but someone asked and I thought, “Oh, that might be good,” and 11 years on it feels almost like a job. The best job in the world.’

Loose Women is on ITV1 weekdays at 12.30pm




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